Recap: Technical Meeting About Artistic GTAW – Jan 20th (Recording Available)

January 20, 2022 – American Welding Academy; Union, MO

The welding industry is a trade as diverse as those who enter it. From Structural Steel to Precision Tig welding, there are opportunities available through every facet of the industry. Some of the greatest opportunities lie beyond the typical 9-5 daily grind. These skills that tradesmen/women have nurtured over the years can be transformed into artistic expression. This expression is a way to showcase ones talents while demonstrating industry prowess. The perfect way to push your skills to the limit. The St. Louis section members were provided the opportunity to learn about how to take your 9-5 skills and develop ways to make money doing what you love.

We were welcomed into the American Welding Academy in Union Mo to listen and learn (some had the opportunity to get one-on-one training) from Sean Flottman (@DabsWellington) about how he has been able to take his skills and create a side hustle beyond his 9-5.

Watch Meeting Recording

AWS St. Louis Section Facebook


Sean Flottman (@DabsWellington) is showing the the attendees how the arc length, gas coverage, speed, and direction you weld all affect the color of the final project.
Sean Flottman (@DabsWellington) discussed the importance of the use of a large heat sink to allow him to weld for a longer amount of time with out the base plate warping and also keeping him hands from getting burnt as easily. Today he used a 1″ think plate for a heat sink, and by the end of the night it was still cool enough to touch. Sean Flottman (@DabsWellington) allowed a few of the braver students who attended a chance to weld on the AWS STL logo he was using for the demonstration. Members and Guests of the St. Louis Section would like to thank Rob Knoll (President American Welding Academy) for opening up their facility and allowing the members to enjoy some time learning from Sean Flottman (@DabsWellington) about how to take your skills from your day job to build a side hustle.