Outstanding Welding Students

Dear Welding Instructors,
Once again, we have the opportunity to acknowledge the area’s top students at our annual student night. We are asking each of you to select one student from your welding program as your most outstanding welding student of the year. The AWS – St. Louis Section board members feel that selecting one outstanding student from each program will help to promote student involvement and participation in the American Welding Society.
It would be great to see one student from each of our schools recognized for their achievements. You will have the opportunity to introduce your student you select, but please limit your comments to two or three minutes. Pictures of all outstanding students will be submitted to The Welding Journal for publication, also posted on our website and social media pages.
Please help us by choosing your outstanding student. Feel free to set the criteria for winning this honor in accordance with your own particular situation.
Once you have made your decision, please forward the students full name to Robert “Bo” Lee ([email protected]) or Jeff Palazzolo ([email protected]) NO LATER THAN, April 9th, 2021.
As a result of the current pandemic and the restrictions on large gatherings, we will not be able to host an in-person event again this year.
We would also like to extend a special appreciation to any administrators, family, and friends of the nominated students.
It is very important that we receive your nominated students name by April 9th, 2021. We look forward to hearing from you and about your students.
Travis Jumper, M.S.Ed.,
AWS STL Chairman
CWI 14100661
Associate Professor / Coordinator Welding Technology
Lewis & Clark Community College
5800 Godfrey Rd,
Weber Workforce Center 104
Godfrey Illinois 62035-2466
(618) 468-4931 (Office)
(618) 468-7287 (Fax)