📢AWS San Antonio Section Election of Officers📢



AWS San Antonio Section Election of Officers




I wanted to send out an update on the status of the San Antonio section monthly meetings. Myself, and Past AWS President John Bray attended a dinner meeting with some of the current section members this past Monday. The topic was “The Importance of getting the section monthly meetings back going”. We plan to hold a section meeting in January (Speaker / date/ location TBD).


The current nominees for section officers are: Steve Cisneros, Yves Fanfell, James Morales.


Ellery Francisco, Chris Long, James Bryant will move to more of a less demanding position in the section to assist the new nominees for 2024.If there are an other AWS members that are eligible to be nominated, please have those names to me by the deadline of January 12, 2024. We will announce the elections status in section blast newsletter prior to the January Meeting.


My contact is the following: (409) 365-3335 / [email protected].




Thomas Holt

District 18 Director