👋Join Us 5/23 for Last Meeting of the Section Year👋

Join us Thursday, May 23, 2024 for a meeting of the Nashville Section of the American Welding Society. Social hour begins at 5:00 PM Central Time, and the meeting will begin at 6:00 PM.

The last meeting of the Section year is intended to determine the Section future, and be a meeting of the minds for people in industry and educators.
Bob O’Neal recently mentioned that he would like to see an increase in Student Night events. I agree with Bob.

I am asking educators and those in business to join us to determine how the Section can best help students.
• I would like to ask those working in the industry to 1) Share their experiences and thoughts on how to best prepare students, and 2) Inform student attendees on how they can best prepare for a future in welding.
• I would like educators to 1) Share their thoughts on how the Section can best help students, and 2) Determine how to increase student interest in the Section activities.

Please come join us for an evening of fellowship and make a difference in the lives of welding students.

Location: World Testing Inc., – 70 E Hill St – Mt. Juliet, TN 37122

RSVP by sending an email with your name and contact information to [email protected]

Hybrid Option: https://aws-org.zoom.us/j/82506833789?pwd=Nk1NUnhlQXBlNlNadVhEdGFEdFN3Zz09