Section Christmas Card and Year-End Thank You

Section Christmas Card and Year-End Thank You

Greetings Members and Friends,

View / Download the Section Christmas Card.

Thank you for your continued support for the 2019-2020 year. After looking back today and seeing the difficulties we have faced as a society, it warms my heart to know the trust and support that you continue to show this society is still strong and lively in each of you. We have faced numerous obstacles and difficult situations recently which we were not expecting as a group. The perseverance we have showed is testament to the undying loyalty to our craft that each of us hold near and dear to our hearts.

The end of the year is now upon us and although we have had limited social gathering opportunities, I know for certain that the strong will to survive and carry forward is as tangible in each of us as is our faith for our country. We have an unwavering desire to learn and expand our expertise in the field of welding and rely on each other to enhance that knowledge every day.

When the New Year is here I know I can count on each and every one of us to continue to solidify our local society to be that beacon of knowledge to our younger generation and help provide that guiding thoughtfulness they so desperately need to go forward. I cannot begin to express my gratitude for each and every member of our organization that has so faithfully been supporting our Huntsville Section in the past years. Thank you from every one of the leadership team in Huntsville, and God Bless you in these unprecedented times we are navigating together as a team. Please feel free to contact me or any other team member at any time I have included my email address below along with a link to our community web page for more information.


The AWS Greater Huntsville Section
For more information or questions: [email protected]