Mike Lang Presentation - September 2018 Meeting Announcement
Greetings AWS Colorado 039 Section Members,
Below are the details of our upcoming September 13th (9/13) meeting!
Please join us for our first meeting of the 2018/2019 year
with our speaker from Fluor, Mike Lang!
Thursday, September 13th, 2018
Dinner will start at 6:00 PM with the presentation shortly thereafter!
Cost for attendance will be 15$ for members and guests and 5$ for students for dinner!
Mickey’s Top Sirloin
6950 Broadway, Denver, CO 80221
Please RSVP to:
Marj Oliver at [email protected]
Bob Teuscher at 303-893-3602
Steve Unrein at 303-789-2844
TOPIC: Perspective on Construction and Fabrication Market Trends
In this presentation we look for the market to change more aggressively by 2024 and global trends in 2017 are supporting this position. Aspects presented will be applicable to all construction efforts relevant to end users, constructors, and vendor who will leave with some new value added perspectives.
The presentation will show:
- Market conditions and how they relate to project performance.
- The anatomy of a project and where “you” fit in.
- Must have controls for optimal cost & schedule performance.
- Best growth principals for employee relations and profitability.
Mike Lang, AWS Fellow;
Fluor Global Director, Construction Welding and NDE Services
Mike Lang is a Fluor Fellow in Self Perform Construction and Welding. Also, Global Director of Welding & NDE Services with Fluor Construction based in Houston Texas.
He provides global welding support across all business lines serving the home offices, projects, and fabrication facilities. His background as a Project Manager/ Superintendent, Educator, AWS/CWI/CWE, and 30+ years United Association Pipefitter/Welder gives him solid ground-up experience. His advice and implementation of more efficient welding processes such as semi-automatic and orbital welding have consistently delivers increased safety, quality, and value.
He also has over 25 years of industry standards committee involvement with AWS D10 (Chairman), D18, and the AWS Technical Activities Committee (TAC). He is also involved with The Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCOG) as a task group leader developing a position paper on subcontractor quality control for welding, and active in the ASME BPVC Committee Section III, VIII, and IX. He has been published on several occasions on topics from these committees and a principal or contributing author to many industry publications.
We hope to see you there!
The AWS Colorado Section Board