Greetings AWS Colorado 039 Section Members,
Below are the details of our upcoming February Ladies Night!
Please join us for our annual ladies night! A fantastic date night dinner with you and bring your significant other! 30$ per person for dinner. Dinner will include three entrée options; Shrimp Palermo, Aged Prime Rib and the Odyssey special Chicken Parmesan!
We will have a keynote speaker, discussing overseas drilling shortly before dinner and we look forward to seeing you there!
RSVP IS MANDATORY Please RSVP to Bob, Steve or Marj by February 7th as limited seating is available! See attached flyer here
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Drinks and seating available at 5:00 PM
Dinner will start at 6:00 PM
Odyssey Italian Restaurant
603 E 6th Ave, Denver, CO 80203
Please RSVP to:
Marj Oliver at [email protected]
Bob Teuscher at 303-893-3602
Steve Unrein at 303-789-2844
We hope to see you there!
The AWS Colorado Section Board